In 2006, after serving 11 years as base leaders in Eintrøa, Jan and Kristin Torland were called by God to pioneer YWAM Rogaland. Little did they know, that as a result of their willingness to follow the Lord and obey His voice, they would become a blessing to many nations!
Jan and Kristin ran our very first Backpack DTS in January of 2008. Since then, the base has continually developed, increasing in staff, outreach tracks, programs and students. Today YWAM Rogaland has three DTS'es, two Bible schools, one School of Worship and one School of Ministry Development. God has used YWAM Rogaland to equip and disciple many people to move forward as a disciples of Jesus, while having radical encounters with God in many different ways.
We invite you to join us!
In YWAM Rogaland our vision is to re-dig the old wells of mission, prayer and revival!
Norway has a rich history of sending out missionaries. Actually, for a period of time Norway sent out the most missionaries per capita in all of the world, and our region Rogaland was at the heart of this missions movement!
Our vision as YWAM Rogaland is therefore to see a new wave of missionaries from this corner of the world to be sent out. How? By re-digging the "old wells" (rich legacy) of mission, prayer and revival in this region. In order to see this vision fulfilled we have four images of the preferred future that we work towards to, as we look to 2030.
We have 4 pictures of the future we look towards:
Youth movement - We see a generation, not ashamed of the gospel (Rom 1:16)
Apostolic training - We see leaders and pioneers making disciples of all nations (Math 28:19-20)
Presence center - We see Gods Name glorified and lives transformed by His Word & Spirit (Rom 12:2)
Waves of missionaries - We see waves of missionaries going to Israel and the nations (Mark 16:15 & Acts 1:8)
What is Youth with a mission?
Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose "to know God and to make Him known".
Back when we began in 1960, our main focus was to get youth involved in missions. Today, we still focus on youth, and we also involve people aged 9 to 90. We currently work in more than 1,100 locations in over 180 countries, with over 18,000 staff.
One of the joys of participating in YWAM is to work with people from many nations. YWAM’s staff (known as “YWAMers”) come from over 130 countries.
Check Out University Of The Nations!
As citizens of God’s kingdom, YWAM staff seek to love, worship, and obey their Lord; to love and serve His Body, the Church, and to present the whole Gospel to the entire world. As a YWAMer there is a statement of belief that unites the workers throughout the nations, “We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative word revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s Son; that man is created in God’s image; that God created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ; that although all men have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the Cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ; that repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace towards us; that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, and that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandment, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)”